Jenny, Visual Journaling, Wacky Wednesday Creative Assignments

WW: Visual Journaling

I really enjoyed listening and watching the video on visual journaling and as one who keeps a journal, I believe that visual journaling is something that I might turn to more often in the future. Similarly to how journaling can help with mental heath, I found that through my own experiences and what was discussed in the video, visual journaling is a great way to maintaining a healthy mind. Being in a pandemic and simultaneously navigating large moments in your life all take a great toll on all of our mental healths and having a way to express how we feel using art is a great option for when you can’t quite articulate your feelings. I would say these points are the biggest take aways I had from the video. Visual journaling offers something unique on its own as it stimulates the brain and allows it to slow down and process just your surroundings.

I would say many would agree with me when I say the last year has been taxing on the mind and it is hard to find new ways to process the world around us. I decided to draw a picture of my room, particularly my bed, where I have been spending a lot of my time. I tried to keep it as realistic as possible and then chose to draw my door open to show that even with the opportunity to go outside, there is little out there to fill my pre pandemic desires of seeing friends and family and not having to worry about what feels like ten thousand different things. I liked the idea of focusing on the small details in the moment around me. However, I also tried to represent my mental headspace as well. In the end I will most definitely be doing this again and I would love to do something similar as in the video and maybe go on a hike this summer and draw the environment around me.

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