Emily G, Visual Journaling

Visual Journaling – Emily G

This piece represents my interpretation of the concept and reality of post-pandemic anxiety.

People are very hopeful (and rightfully so) that after everyone gets vaccinated and we all due our part to stop the spread that things will get back to normal, which they will, but people have to realize that it will take time. We have to understand that we are all living with a common trauma, even though we may not feel like we are, and that it will impact us for years to come.

The fear that the pandemic brought upon us is something that will remain with every person alive for years to come and will impact them in things that they were so used to doing pre pandemic life. You will probably feel a sense of discomfort returning back to regular life, as for the past 400+ days you have been on guard at all times about personal hygiene and social distancing, and you’ll have a fear that your life could be compromised by something you can’t even see at all times, so going back to the old normal is going to be a very difficult transition.

What you need to realize that you will not be alone in feeling this way and that everyone will be in the same boat wether they show it outwardly or not. Healing takes time, not seconds and you should realize that you are not alone when it comes to how you’re feeling and there are many good resources out there to help guide you on your journey to returning to what life was like before the pandemic. 

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