While watching this video, I loved when you showed us the images of your class drawing in nature and all of their landscape artworks. I connected to that because I have always loved nature. I really struggled with the transition to online school, sitting in front of a computer in the same chair all day. I felt very trapped in my room. Eventually, I used going on walks outside as an escape from this. In this sketch I wanted to represent both the trapped feeling I had and the freedom that nature gave me. I think this is why the doodles of the trees and bushes/vines are wild and not fully formed. Sketching this gave a similar stimulation as going in nature. Both freeing and nonjudgemental. I loved listening to this discussion. I feel that everything talked about is so important and so relevant. Additionally, doing this exercise during this crazy, busy time of finals was a perfect and stress-releasing activity to do in between studying.