Nick K, Visual Journaling

Visual Journaling

Before watching the video, I never knew how impactful visual journaling could be. First, I find it fascinating that one is able to express or gain insight into another’s life based on a series of visual journals, especially when stemming from a dream. I have a dream journal myself, so this lecture has inspired me to start adding visual journals for each of my dreams. I think this could be extremely impactful for my psychological self-analysis. Additionally, I found it intriguing that visual journaling can help create stimulation, especially during COVID. According to the date of the lecture video, it took place a little after a month into lockdown. Over a year later, visual journaling to help create stimulation due to a lack of stimulation is even more impactful now. Throughout this and last semester, there would be some long days I would be stuck in my dorm working all day. Finally, by the end of the day when I would first go outside to get dinner, I would feel a rush of stimulation due to being outside and around nature after spending 10+ hours staring at my computer screen. Visual journaling is an amazing solution to this problem as it will help create stimulation and relax the artist. Visual journaling is also very impactful for a person in documenting their life events. Creating a piece of artwork is much more impactful to an individual than a picture, and can trigger other senses that a picture could not.

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