Cam, Visual Journaling

Visual Journal – Cam

This picture came about from the finals study stress. Things devolved very quickly from math to meaningless conspiracy theory jokes.

A weird feeling I wanted to try to express was almost having contact. The “arms” of the pyramid and the “arm” coming from the side of the page don’t actually touch anything. They are just hovering near and above things. Something about exhaustion, something about communication, something about human contact, something about stress, and something about boredom.

Wonky perspective! My brain is fried, and I am using all of my remaining energy to type this. This was drawn in Chandler Ullman, which coincidentally has the same acronym as my initials. Also my last name is derived from Ullman. This post is becoming a word vomit journal and I am all for it.

Somehow there was an argument between two people over whether time is the fourth dimension, and is it perpendicular to all other dimensions (???). It was only two people, and the rest of us in the room were making fun of the situation because we were all going crazy. It was a very passionate argument, but nobody actually cared who was right.

It isn’t strange to me how quickly we adapt to new situations, but is is strange how quickly it becomes “normal.” Right now I am typing this wearing a mask. I completely forgot I was wearing a mask, everyone around me is wearing a mask, and, you know, there is a lot giong on other than just college.

I have been having trouble with what is the best thing to do with my time. Sure I can commit myself to solving a problem that negatively affects a few people, but there are so many other things I can do to have a larger positive impact. Is it morally okay for me to do engineering design to bring comfort rather than working to battle racial injustice, climate change, or disease? I feel like the right thing to do is to pursue a more impactful career, but could I be just as impactful in any other career? Why do I feel guilty for wanting to do what I want to do? Should I feel guilty? Much many things to do a think about.

Thank you (?) for reading to the end of this. I rattled the pebbles in my bouncy castle brain until they pressed the thinking buttons. Also I would like to apologize for the whiplash from bouncing between topics so fast. These are my thoughts on the discussion, which I sadly didn’t watch because the hyperlink did not work.

(no disrespect is meant by this post, I am tired and wanted to make a funny. visual journals are my jam, but I have no idea how to write my thoughts) <3

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