The first time I attempted this I tried superimposing my face on David Bowie as the Goblin King in Labyrinth, but I kept messing up the nose to the point where it was so distorted every time I attempted the damage was irreparable. I walked away from it for a while and came back to it later in the semester. On my second attempt, I used Jared Leto from Requiem for a Dream (no real reason other than that it’s one of my favorite movies) and had similar success up until the nose. I had to break my face into pieces by layer (left eye, right eye, nose, mouth) in order to fit it to his face, but I kept having the same difficulty when it came to the nose. Not completely satisfied with this, but I’ll keep making progress with my skills because it was already a lot easier than the first time I did it.

Another very dark movie! Bowie’s not bad. Can’t tell if you did the two different color eyes.