Brooke, Wacky Wednesday Creative Assignments

Visual Journaling


Visual Journaling serves as a form of expression that can be beneficial to mental health, especially during challenging times brought on by the pandemic and quarantine. In a similar way some people find it helpful to talk to friends, family, or therapists, or even write their thoughts down in a personal diary, art can also be used as an outlet to sort through emotions and express them in visual ways. As I began reflecting on the ongoing frustration brought on by quarantine, a few emotions came to mind which I aimed to illustrate through color and texture. The bright color pallet and vibrant squiggled lines represent a sense of hope and optimism. However, to show the other end of the emotional spectrum and demonstrate the frustration, loneliness and isolation, I chose to create an image of a cactus inclosed in a glass dome. I was inspired to draw a cactus because they are a unique type of plant that can survive long periods of time without water. This ability to survive through circumstances of deprivation was something I felt a lot of people could relate to during quarantine. Although we missed out on a lot of valuable social interaction, we were still able to find other ways to keep us going. We strengthened our roots, we grew, and we observed the world through a glass window in hopes that one day things would return to normal.

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