2 thoughts on “Line Project – Cam

  1. As I said in class, I think your diagonal line drawing is very successful. the design has a very spacial feel too it that makes it work so well. The way that the lines clearly exist in different planes, above and below each other is awesome. the dark black across the center becomes this kind of portal where the lines are bending out. I like the way that you resolved the horizontal/vertical one as well, the two small rectangles on the side being symmetrical is a good choice. I like how this one embodies curves even though it is not the curving line piece.
    I think that the curved line piece could use some more development. To me, it reads as a spacial design as well and the lines are being pulled back to the focal point in the back. I would be curious of how that central point could develop so that the view had a clearer sense of what the design is narrating. The last one is successful in its simplicity but it feels very unbalanced. The weight at the bottom left and top right create a sense of counterclockwise rotation to me. it feels like a structural object, so if your goal is to balance it, maybe play with the idea of gravity and placing things on the “rod”.

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