Introductions, Nick W

Nicholas Wilson

Me with My Girlfriend and Moose

Most people call me Nick. I’m a junior from Glen Ridge, NJ majoring in Architecture and Design. I am taking 2D as a requisite for both majors, and hoping that it will be an opportunity for growth in an undeveloped area of my skills. Drawing is one of those things that I always wished I was good at (along with playing an instrument, speaking another language, etc.) but never dedicated myself to it in the necessary capacity. Most likely I was too busy doing other things such as playing video games (most likely Skyrim), watching movies, or running. I’m on the Cross Country and Track and Field team here as running is one of my passions. I’m also an avid consumer of Film and one of my favorite classes I took at Lehigh was a Film class in which we watched, most memorably, Apocalypse Now. My favorite band will probably always be Nine Inch Nails, choosing a favorite movie is an insurmountable task, but of the ones I’ve seen in the past week I can’t get David Fincher’s Se7en out of my head (though certain parts of it I would like to), and I find Nik Nikolov to be a very interesting person. I’ve so far taken 3D with Forsyth (which unfortunately went remote halfway through), Arch 043 with Ussler, Sculpture I with Gans, and Arch 143 with Nikolov.

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