“Trust the process”
-Anonymous tiktok sound that I heard at 4am
Adam Taber Introduction
Hey everyone, Happy New Year! My name is Adam Taber and I’m a freshman from Yonkers, New York. I’m majoring in IDEAS [Integrated Degree in Engineering and Arts and Sciences B.S] interested in Architecture, Art, Design, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. I live in Dravo and I’ll be on-campus this spring semester.
2D Design caught my eye for many reasons, but to name a few, I feel as if I am too heavily sided on digital art/building versus traditional art. Photoshop and AutoCAD have been two very leading tools recently mostly because everything is remote. I don’t have anything against being “too digital”, but I want to explore more art forms!
In my past academic history, I’ve taken art classes through all of high school. In my junior and senior year, I took IB Art SL [essentially AP]. My style has changed throughout the years, but I realized that digital art and digital building have been 2 two passions of mine. I’m quite familiar with the tools in photoshop as well as some applications in AutoCAD. Looking forward to seeing you all in class!
About my work: Most of my work consists of realism and stylistic choices such as in “Family Portrait” where I decided to only contour and limit my color palette to simplify its form. In my portrait/figure drawings in cases like “Olivia Brucker”, “Robert Santiago”, and “Colin Vintage”, I played around with my color pallet and tools in photoshop to help compliment the composition of each piece. I love pops of color and anything that glows, in my piece “Class of 2020”, I played around in Photoshop using soft airbrush tools to get a glowing effect.
Alongside Photoshop, Digital building has crept its way into my art portfolio, which has spurred my passions for interior design and architecture. “Parlor Room” was built on a platform called Roblox which has platforms where you can build things freelanced, and with the power of research and references, I was able to create an accurate parlor room. The beauty of the digital building is that I am able to compose anything that comes to mind, which is why I do it so much because sometimes it’s hard to follow the rules. My final project that I’ve been working on for years, and still am, is my Virtual Theme Park. I had no plan of the layout of the park, neither the roller coasters nor flat rides, but I just built off of an idea and just ran with it. Overall, I take a lot of time building and art-making which translates pretty well I hope. I’m excited to see my progression throughout my years in college and am eager to learn more about art itself!
Class of 2020, 2021 Olivia Brucker, 2021 Robert Santiago, 2021 Family Portrait, 2021 The Parlor Room, 2018 Colin Vintage, 2021 Industrial Theme Park, [WIP] 2019-present